If you are an English language learner struggling with improving your English language, then you are about to discover how you can achieve the CAE exam so that you are offered better job prospects and career growth opportunities!!


Language You can Add within Minutes
to See Lasting Results! 


✨ That means, EACH of these English language lessons are SPECIFIC to the CAE Online Course and you can practise these language skills right away.

✨ That's why you'll quickly notice this isn't like all those courses you've attended in the past, where it's a big promise, 20 minutes of their boring story, and just enough fluff before they try to teach you something.

✨ I'm just here to share what works and tell you how you can do it!


Karen, I have been afraid of English before I met you. Your soft smile and voice taught me to understand pronunciation and grammar easily. You always encourage me that 'You can do it'. Because of your high standard in teaching, I was led to study English naturally. I will never forget your influence in my studying English.


I am very pleased that I got to study English in your class. Your learning method contributes to quality English learning. I think that I have improved my grammar, spelling, and speaking skills.
I liked your ability to pay attention to each student, evaluating his individual abilities. In your lessons students are always busy with English, without thinking about extraneous information.

🎓 Oleksandr
I have learned more grammar in Karen's class. She motivated and guided me with her kindness. I will always remember her because of her kind face and the things I learned from her. I like her personality very much because she is kind and friendly, and she motivates us to be better. Thank you for your efforts. I wish you more success.



1. If you've already researched other English language online courses, you'll quickly notice that this isn't some 'basic' English course you've done before. Investing in the CAE Online Course with Virtual English can lead to significant long-term benefits, such as improved language proficiency, enhanced career opportunities and academic success, making it a valuable investment in your future. The online course includes interactive elements, such as live classes and discussion forums, which can replicate the benefits of a classroom setting while providing the convenience of studying from home or your office.


2. The CAE Course has the highest level of exam success. The Cambridge EMPOWER Advanced C1 Classroom and Digital Workbook Pack is developed by Cambridge, a trusted and reputable institution, ensuring high-quality content and instruction equivalent to their in-person courses. The course will be delivered by a highly qualified English language teacher with years of online teaching experience. Virtual English offers flexible scheduling options, allowing you to study around your existing commitments.


3. If you plan to take the CAE exam, the CAE Online Course is Essential... If you want to improve your language proficiency of course! It includes regular assessments, progress tracking, and a supportive online community to help keep you motivated and engaged throughout your studies. The certification from the Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) Online Course is recognised globally, ensuring it holds the same value as their in-person course certifications.

You will also note, this CAE Online Course with Virtual English provides targeted preparation for the CAE exam, unlike general English courses which may not cover all exam components in detail. Do you know any English language learner that doesn't prepare for the CAE Exam?

'Can't I just study English at a university?'

of course you can! (AU$5 - $7000)

But remember, no one will ever know your study and work schedule as well as you do! 

And no one ever said 'improving my English proficiency to pass the CAE test was the biggest mistake I ever made!'


Your CAE Online Course is like an Orchestra.

In an orchestra, every instrument plays an essential part to create a beautiful piece of music. And you can already guess what happens when even one instrument is out of tune, right?

Like an orchestra, your CAE Online Course consists of several instruments (10 to be exact), and each serve a specific function. When they are all working together harmoniously, your performance increases.

But the real question is ...

What happens when even one of these instruments are missing?
How much is your language learning suffering, and you didn't even realise it? 


You're an English language learner. We both know you want to study the CAE Online Course so you can take the CAE exam.

Look at it like this: I can't cook. But I don't need to be a chef to follow a recipe.

Because, when you follow a formula or a process, you too can replicate results!

It's only when you DON'T have a proven process ... you're forced to learn and master the skill on your own! And how long would that take?

What Other Way Allows you to get the
greatest advancement in language proficiency ...

if you don't put structure in the way
you learn English?


 The CAE (C1 Advanced) exam is renowned for its high success rates among candidates. According to data from Cambridge English, over 90% of test takers achieve scores that place them at or above the C1 level, which demonstrates a high level of proficiency in English​ (Cambridge English)​​.

Additionally, the exam is widely accepted by top universities and institutions globally, highlighting its recognition and credibility​ (Cambridge English)​. This success can be attributed to the rigorous preparation and comprehensive format of the CAE exam, which assesses all key language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

The CAE C1 Advanced exam has a high success rate and is widely recognized by educational institutions and employers globally. Here are some case studies and examples that demonstrate its success:

  1. Global University Acceptance: Many prestigious universities in the UK, USA, and other countries accept the CAE C1 Advanced certification for admission. For instance, in the UK, universities like University College London, University of Cambridge, and University of Oxford recognize the CAE certification. In the USA, institutions such as Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, and Michigan State University also accept it​.
  2. High Exam Pass Rates: The C1 Advanced exam is known for its rigorous preparation and comprehensive testing, leading to high pass rates among well-prepared candidates. The Cambridge English website provides numerous resources and success stories from individuals who have achieved high scores by using their official preparation materials and sample tests​ (Cambridge English)​​.
  3. Preparation Success Stories: Various students have shared their success stories highlighting how targeted preparation using official Cambridge materials, such as practice tests and advanced study packs, contributed to their success in passing the exam. These resources help students familiarize themselves with the exam format and improve their language skills effectively​.
These examples illustrate the effectiveness and recognition of the CAE C1 Advanced exam, making it a valuable certification for those seeking to prove their English proficiency for academic or professional purposes.


It's important to highlight potential drawbacks and limitations that might make CAE (C1 Advanced) online course alternatives less favorable compared to the established CAE courses. Here are some arguments as follows:

1. Lack of Accreditation and Recognition
  • Credibility and Acceptance: Many online English courses do not have the same level of accreditation and global recognition as the CAE. The CAE certificate is accepted by thousands of institutions worldwide, including top universities and employers. Alternatives might not offer the same level of credibility and recognition, which can limit their utility for academic or professional purposes​.
2. Quality of Content and Materials
  • Standardized Curriculum: The CAE exam preparation courses use a standardized curriculum developed by Cambridge English, ensuring high-quality and comprehensive coverage of all necessary skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Many alternative courses may lack this standardization, leading to inconsistent quality and potentially incomplete preparation​.
3. Instructor Qualifications
  • Expertise and Experience: CAE courses are often taught by highly qualified instructors with extensive experience in preparing students for Cambridge English exams. Alternatives may not guarantee the same level of instructor expertise, which can impact the effectiveness of the course and the likelihood of student success​.
4. Assessment and Feedback
  • Rigorous Testing: CAE courses include rigorous assessments and practice exams that mimic the format and difficulty of the actual CAE exam. This ensures that students are well-prepared and can accurately gauge their readiness. Alternative courses might not provide the same level of detailed and standardized testing, which can leave students underprepared​.
5. Technological Integration and Support
  • Digital Resources and Support: The CAE online courses offer a wide range of digital resources, including interactive workbooks, practice tests, and online forums for support. These resources are designed to enhance learning and provide comprehensive support throughout the preparation process. Alternatives may lack such extensive digital integration and support systems​.
6. Success Rates and Track Record
  • Proven Track Record: CAE courses have a proven track record of high success rates among candidates. The structured approach, quality materials, and experienced instructors contribute to consistently high pass rates. Alternative courses may not have the same level of documented success, making them a riskier investment for students​.
7. Cost vs. Value
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While some alternatives might be cheaper, the value offered by CAE courses in terms of quality, recognition, and support can justify the higher cost. Investing in a CAE course can provide long-term benefits and a higher likelihood of success, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run​.

These points can help emphasize why CAE online courses may be a superior choice compared to other alternatives, especially for students seeking a reliable, recognized, and comprehensive preparation experience.

Show me another Advanced English course that offers a complete online delivery with real-time instruction from a highly qualified English language teacher and includes a digital student workbook.


If you're like some, you may currently have the belief in last-minute preparation, thinking that cramming or intensive short-term study will compensate for months of steady, consistent practice.

'I understand! ... And have you considered having a thorough understanding of the exam format?!

NO! Then that's why it is important you study the CAE Online Course; exam structure and types of questions in detail. Allocate regular, balanced practice sessions for all sections of the exam, engage in active learning, and participate in study groups to improve fluency and accuracy.

IT'S YOUR JOURNEY ... what road will YOU take?

1. Continue using non-authentic materials that do not reflect the complexity and style of the actual CAE exam or,

2. Balance your CAE preparation by registering for the CAE Online Course with Virtual English - see payment plans, and day and evening study options.

If you've ever experienced disappointment,
feeling let down
after putting in hard work
and hoping for recognition and advancement,
or if you've dealt with stress and anxiety
over your career and financial future,
chances are you can relate.

In 2006, I attempted to establish and run an online English language school, which became the foundation of Virtual English. Unfortunately, internet speeds in Australia were as slow as dial-up in other countries back then. Despite investing a significant portion of my savings, the business did not achieve the success I had hoped for. After dedicating so much time, money, and effort into the venture, it was disappointing to see it not succeed.

Subsequently, I returned to teaching English at a prominent institution in Australia. Alongside teaching, I took on managerial roles and became actively involved with an organisation supporting educators nationwide.

In 2020, the pandemic permanently reshaped online teaching and learning. Despite previous setbacks, I felt a renewed determination to learn from those experiences. This led me to revisit 'Virtual English,' this time utilising the Cambridge EMPOWER digital resources for online delivery.

Today, drawing on over 20 years of teaching experience, including managerial positions, I specialise in helping candidates prepare for the LinguaSkill test through Cambridge with Virtual English.

Additionally, I offer a CAE Online Course in real-time to assist you in successfully preparing for and passing the CAE exam. This esteemed qualification demonstrates advanced English proficiency, enhancing your language skills in grammar, vocabulary, and communication.

Furthermore, achieving the CAE certificate can significantly boost your career prospects and open doors to opportunities worldwide, recognised by employers globally.

I wish you a happy and successful life-long journey.

All the very best,



Now that you have achieved Upper Intermediate English (B2), how much of an impact will studying the CAE (C1) Online Course have on your career opportunities?

If you're like most reading through this, you're probably starting to see the possibilities, and you may also be thinking you've approached your English language learning all wrong ....

... or wondering what else you've been missing?

And I can get, learning English (the right way) can feel overwhelming and intimidating! But you know now, your English is Essential.

So .... how do you do it? How do you study English? How do you do it the right way?

Great English Online Courses aren't written, they are ASSEMEBLED.

And every great CAE Course has 10 Units.

Each unit serves a purpose towards getting a yes. Leave a unit out, and you risk not achieving your desired result.


✅ Targeted practice and preparation materials that cover all aspects of the CAE exam, including speaking, writing, listening, and reading sections.

✅ Access to high-quality resources such as textbooks, practice tests, video tutorials, and interactive exercises.

✅ Guidance and support from experienced and highly qualified English language teachers who can provide personalised feedback and answer questions.

✅ The ability to study at your own pace and on your own schedule, which is particularly important for online learners balancing other commitments.

And if that's what you're finally ready to experience, I'm here and waiting to help you do that on the other side ...

Introducing ...





  • Opportunities to engage in interactive activities, such as group discussions, peer reviews, and live practice sessions, to enhance your learning experience.
  • Tools to monitor and track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and measure their readiness for the exam.
  • Focus on developing practical language skills that are applicable in real-life situations, beyond just passing the exam.
  • The ultimate goal of obtaining the CAE certification, which can enhance your academic and professional opportunities.

... because you deserve nothing but the best!

And you're about to learn how to master the CAE Exam ... without the big price tag!

THE CAMBRIDGE ADVANCED ENGLISH (CAE) ONLINE COURSE is a AU$5250 investment, and you can get it at AU$2997, it's a no-brainer.

Why? Because if you studied the CAE Online Course with Virtual English, you would undoubtedly improve your job prospects and career advancement by demonstrating advanced English skills, which are highly valued in many professional fields ...

Plus, you can rest easy knowing I've taken out ALL the risk from investing!






Test-Drive The Course for 30 Days

When you register, you'll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason ... and I mean ANY reason ... if you don't feel like this was the best investment you've made to learn English to enhance your overall command of the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, simply email [email protected] and we'll gladly refund your entire investment ... no questions asked! And, you know what? I'll even let you keep the resources! Which means yes! You can totally rip me off here!

84 Days to GET RESULTS!

After you pass your initial 30 Days of being blown away by what's been really missing in your CAE Online Course. I'll give you an additional 54 Days to put your study into practise! If you do not see any positive results from this course, simply show us that you have done the work, and if it isn't working for you ... we'll refund your investment!

Why would I do this? Because you shouldn't have to pay for something that doesn't work! And I'm so convinced of how effective this course is, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. That's how much I believe in this course.


When you register for THE CAMBRIDGE ADVANCED ENGLISH (CAE) ONLINE COURSE WITH VIRTUAL ENGLISH, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to successfully prepare for and pass the CAE exam, a recognised qualification that demonstrates a high level of English proficiency. Including ...

1. $190 credit for taking your LinguaSkill English Test with Virtual English (FREE)

2. A highly qualified and skilled native English-speaking language teacher

3. Learn English on ZOOM with your classmates

4. Dynamic virtual classroom interaction with other people (max 15 students)

5. Cambridge EMPOWER Advanced C1 Classroom and Digital Workbook Pack (FREE)

6. Access to Cambridge One Learner dashboard

7. Access to the Virtual English 'My Library' for all your courses and lessons

8. Access to the Kajabi mobile app for all your Virtual English courses and lessons

And much, much more!
This makes everything you get well over AU$7000 in value! And you can get it all for just AU$5250 today!  AU$2997! 


1. $190 credit for taking your LinguaSkill English Test with Virtual English (FREE)

2. A highly qualified and skilled native English-speaking language teacher

3. Learn English on ZOOM with your classmates

4. Dynamic virtual classroom interaction with other people (max 15 students)

5. Cambridge EMPOWER Advanced C1 Classroom and Digital Workbook Pack (FREE)

6. Access to Cambridge One Learner dashboard

7. Access to the Virtual English 'My Library' for all your courses and lessons

8. Access to the Kajabi mobile app for all your Virtual English courses and lessons

And much, much more!


Normally: $5250 
Now Just: 2 Installments of $1498.50

GET THE 'Cambridge EMPOWER Advanced C1 Classroom and Digital Workbook Pack' FOR FREE WHEN YOU REGISTER TODAY!


Click on the button below to be the FIRST notified once we open up the doors to my signature course  the 'The Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) Online Course with Virtual English'

Registration Open Date
25th August 2024!!
Registration Close Date

29th August 2024

CAE Course Start Date:
Monday 30th September 2024